Stanley J. Targosz III
Co-Founder, President | Certified Pay-for-College Specialist & Certified College Debt Specialist
Stanley has been in the college and financial industries for over 15 years, helping thousands of families along the way. He has spoken at national conference and ushered relationships with a multitude of decision makers in the higher education world. Auther of the book, The Affordable College Plan: The Responsible Alternative to Free College, Stanley outlines 5 areas of college planning that families must account for to reduce their out-of-pocket cost for college while increasing their retirement lifestyle. Stanley, along with the other four principals of Responsible College Advocates©, directly trains all credentialed and certified specialists working with you.
Stanley’s biggest passions, outside of the goal planning lens, easily comes down to pastries, his wife and children, and God (the order may or may not be accurate). Through many experiences with families in all different walks of life, he has come to realize that each family needs a solution that is tailored to their specifics needs, wants, and ambitions.