John White
Certified Pay-for-College Specialist & Certified College Debt Specialist
I began my career with Responsible College Advocates© when I discovered that more than two million people over the age of 65 who are receiving Social Security, are still paying off their student loans, and of those, approximately 10% were having their Social Security checks garnished every month in order to continue making their student loan payments.
Student loans are a $1.7 trillion problem that is 1.7 with 11 zeros after it. That is how large this problem is and proof that it cannot be solved using traditional methods. I knew there had to be a better way!
I work with many families who, although they did everything right, including putting money into 529 plans, and obtaining scholarships, struggled to find a way to afford the cost of college.
We provide a customized strategy and a timeline that shows you how you will be able to pay for college, for all of your children, without changing your current lifestyle, without raiding your retirement accounts or being burdened by unnecessary debt.
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Contact John
John White
Email: [email protected]